The Vast Majority of Non-Muslims Are Peaceful

By Claus Brinker

three little pigsAn incident described as “Islamophobic” and “hate motivated” has cropped up in the national news this week. The Washington Post reports that, on Monday night, a severed pig’s head was thrown at a mosque doorstep in Philadelphia. Police are investigating the incident as a possible hate crime. The specific crime is somewhat unclear, but Rue Landau, executive director of the Philadelphia Commission on Human Relations says the act may be in violation of the city’s ordinance on ethnic intimidation and institutional vandalism, considering that Muslims are notoriously adverse to pork. In any case, police will be monitoring the mosque more closely [mission accomplished?] because, as officer Pete Berndlmaier noted, the perpetrators might “up the ante.” 

This use of pork in a threatening manner comes at a perfect time for Muslims, who have been under scrutiny around the world for several recent atrocities committed in the name of Islam. As has been the case for some time, many people in non-Muslim countries feel somewhat uneasy about massive numbers of Muslims moving into their cities and towns. Many non-Muslims have heard about what life is like in Muslim countries and they don’t want their own countries to be like this. And with the recent acts of terror committed by Muslims on both the North American and European continents, the cry to reject Muslim immigration has been raised with greater furor than ever.

Luckily, for Muslims, this pig-headed vandalism has come along and can be used to berate anyone opposed to further immigration of Muslims as “hateful” and it provides much needed evidence that Islamophobia is on the rise. Unlike the terrorist attacks committed by Muslims, nobody died. But the theory seems be that somebody might die unless this nasty nationwide trend of anti-Islamic rhetoric is curbed. Since, the Washington Post and numerous other national media outlets are trying draw our attention away from threatening behavior that actually kills, to behavior that is mildly offensive, let us take the bait. Let us assume the pig head incident was not a hoax perpetrated by Muslims in order to elevate their victim status. Rather, let’s assume that there is a very real and rising Islamophobic threat.

In this time of terror and tension between groups with diametrically opposed value systems who are forced together by a globalist system that wants them to abandon their values and become better consumers of globalist products and services, it’s important for Muslims to remember that not all non-Muslims are violent. The vast majority of non-Muslims are, in fact, peaceful. Most non-Muslims just want to live their lives with a relative level of security for themselves and their family. Believe it or not, this includes white non-Muslims. Yes, even white people are, for the most part, a non-violent and peace-loving people.

And yet, it cannot be denied that some non-Muslims, including white non-Muslims, are not peaceful. Some are willing to take a severed pig’s head and throw it at a mosque in a drive-by pig’s-head-throwing. And, let’s face it. The terror may not stop there. Other acts of vandalism may follow as well. Or somebody may write on Facebook or Twitter that they want fewer Muslims in their country, which will probably be interpreted as a microaggression. These are, of course, troublesome portents to the average Muslim, but to understand why this is happening, we need to look at root causes. What actually motivates a non-Muslim to become radicalized to the point where they are willing to throw a pig’s head or commit a microagression on social media? Perhaps it’s the same kind of things that cause a Muslim to become radicalized and murder people in the name of Islam.

As we’ve been told by many liberal acquaintances, and liberal journalists, and liberal college professors, and liberal politicians, when non-Muslims oppose Islam then they are actually helping ISIS, the most well-funded Muslim terrorist organization in history, by making normal peace-loving Muslims feel alienated and unwanted in non-Muslim countries. This feeling of alienation then drives peace-loving Muslims to become radicalized and kill people. Now consider the perspective of the average non-Muslim. Unlike Muslims, who have countries that are explicitly Muslim, non-Muslim Americans and Europeans don’t have countries that are explicitly for them. These non-Muslim governments want to throw open the borders to foreigners of completely different cultures and any non-Muslim citizen in these countries who opposes mass immigration is labelled in the harshest, most ostracizing and career-ending manners possible. (“Racist!” “Fascist!” “Bigot!” “Nazi!” “Islamophobe!” “Uncompassionate!”) Talk about alienation! Sometimes, when people feel they have no peaceful way of expressing themselves or being heard, they turn to acts of terror, like throwing a pig’s head at a mosque.

So we should not be surprised if radical Islamophobia is on the rise. Non-Muslims are being deliberately silenced, informed that their opinions are not important, and that their governments will not defend them or their way of life. But Muslims should look on the bright side. In spite of the tiny fraction of the non-Islamic community that does harbor anti-Islamic sentiments and are willing to act upon them with harmless forms of vandalism and microagressions, the vast majority of non-Muslims harbor no ill-will, or at least not enough to take any meaningful action against Muslims. While a huge number of non-Muslims may in fact be unhappy by how their government is bringing huge numbers of Muslims into their country, the social costs are simply too great to bother with actually opposing what amounts to a tremendous victory and conquest for Islam over its non-Muslim enemies.

Further good news for Muslims can be found in the large numbers of young people, who, having completed their indoctrination in the public school system and academia are convinced that they have no culture, heritage, history, or lineage that is even worth defending. The one thing that many of these freshly brainwashed youths do feel is duty-bound to defend the rights of other people to come and destroy the culture, heritage, history, and lineage of our ancestors. As a result, they are opening their arms and welcoming those who may someday be our new masters (if the Muslims could have it their way…and who is stopping them, really?). Not only that, these young “tolerant” and “open-minded” liberals will fight on behalf of Muslims against anyone who opposes the total accommodation of Muslim peoples in non-Muslim countries.

To recap, Muslims really don’t have much to fear from radical Islamophobes. Yes, Islamophobia is on the rise, but most non-Muslims have not been radicalized and pose no threat to the burgeoning Muslim populations in both North America and Europe. Additionally, the governments, the media, and the educational systems of these two continents seem more interested in defending the interests of Muslim migrants than that of their own citizens. So Muslims have that going for them as well.

That said, however, we should not be surprised if anti-Muslim activities become more a regular occurrence, specifically among White Americans and Native Europeans. These populations are becoming completely shut out of the political discourse that concerns their own well-being, and as a result we will see some individuals take more drastic actions to ensure the survival of their people, not unlike a fearful creature backed into the corner of a cage. Such a scenario has unpredictable consequences. Will the beast attack? If so, how much damage will it do? Or, can it be contained until its spirit is broken? I, for one, hope the animal breaks out of its cage altogether.

Fucking Vampires

Your phone rings and you reel with apprehension. It’s “them again”, and you are about to be drained by a person who cannot deal with their own emotions. Sometimes this is completely justified: your friend or loved one is suffering a deep phase of grief from a traumatic event. But in this case, its just a histrionic vampire coming to feed.
Their reasons for being distraught are likely by-products of their own lack of self-awareness. “Woe is me!” “Nobody likes me!” “Why doesn’t anyone care!?” All common sentiments bellowed out by this crowd. Personal responsibility is a foreign concept to them, and they will find any excuse not look in the mirror.
Its best to disengage all communication as quickly and tactfully as possible. Politeness is an act of self-preservation on your part. Plenty of vampires have strong suicidal urges,* coupled with a ceaseless belief that the world owes them for their shitty lot in life . This can lead to a homicidal ideation that’s comprised of a desire to take out those who have “wronged them” before they themselves seek oblivion. This is, of course, the worst case scenario. Some of them simply crave drama. You do not want to give them fodder for such a thing, still, as it will more require you to expend even more precious energy on an undeserving individual.
 You may be under the delusion that you can help these people by “being there”. However, in all reality, you simply can’t. There is nothing you can do because they refuse change. Being their victim will only result in a fruitless martyrdom.
 Move along and be free of their bullshit.

“Many people who walk the earth practice the fine art of making others feel responsible and even indebted to them, without cause. Satanism observes these leeches in their true light. Psychic vampires are individuals who drain others of their vital energy. This type of person can be found in all avenues of society. They fill no useful purpose in our lives, and are neither love objects nor true friends. Yet we feel responsible to the psychic vampire without knowing why.” – Anton LaVey

*I do not believe all suicidal people to be of this sort.


Also published here: And I Rant


Why More Gun Control Laws Won’t Help

By Trista Rundatz

Guns are inanimate tools. They can be useful or destructive. Just like any other tool out there. You cannot place blame for a conscious, violent act on an inanimate object. They are not alive, They cannot think. They cannot act of their own accord.

The occurrence of mental illness in an individual is often difficult to gauge. Psychology is a soft science and therefore subject to pitfalls aplenty (far more so than the harder sciences). From corporatism to the very fickle nature of the mind itself, its hard to pin down when and if a person is in fact suffering from psychological distress to a disordered degree. And even when it’s glaringly apparent they suffer so, the afflicted often heal from, or learn to cope with said afflictions.

With all this being said, there are a few points I would like to make:

First and foremost, more gun control laws will not help us curb the violence we are seeing. Why? Because people who dedicate themselves to committing acts of mass violence are just that, dedicated! If you take away their guns, they will find other avenues to express their anger and hatred!

Furthermore, good luck trying to predict who will and who will not be capable of such things. Most people of anti-social persuasion are very good at camouflaging themselves to appear like us ‘normal” folk. And mental status tends to change dramatically throughout one’s life time. You cannot possibly hope to regulate anything based on such a capricious condition. Don’t even get me started on the unwarranted stereotype that most of the mentally ill are violent…

I think we need to concentrate on the psychology of the matter itself more so than anything else. Its all too easy to blame the tool used to enact the violence and not the individual and the society that helped to shape said individual.

This is just my two cents and I do not have the hubris to try to present this as an end all be all solution. There are no easy answers to the questions “Why did this happen?” and “How can we prevent it from happening again?” but I do not think the answer will be found in the confines of the state and its regulatory powers.

So lets stop blaming our actions on inanimate objects and have a real conversation about our collective pathology for once. It begins with being conscious about who we are and asking, “why we are so fucking angry, narcissistic and disconnected?” . If we did that, then we would all have to do some hardcore soul searching on a collective level, but perhaps our country is too brash and obnoxious to even fathom that sort of introspection. Also let’s not forget too narcissistic to admit to societal fault to boot.

Also posted on And I Rant

Land of the Reiching Sun? A Conflict Without Heroes

nazi eastern girl

From the Inferno.


A few days back, I had the displeasure of reading a clickbait “article”, on the misleadingly named Dangerous Minds blog, concerning the Far Eastern fondness for Nazi aesthetics. I made the mistake of thinking I’d get something momentarily interesting out of doing so, only to have that meagre hope mangled upon reading the first fucking sentence:

The concept of “Asian Nazis” is, of course, an extremely WTF??? proposition from the very start.

Nope – that’d be your starting statement, dickhead!

Gazing upon that atrocity of an assertion, I prepared myself for a screed from the shortbus – and, boy, did the rest of the piece align with that realignment!

Other standout sentences from this point ‘n’ shriek parade included…

….how many of these self-styled Asian Nazis have even met a Jew? Even a single Jew?

…and the not-at-all Nazi-like sentiment…

These people should be strapped to chairs and forced to watch Schindler’s List with their eyes pinned open like Alex in A Clockwork Orange.

Ironically, by setting out to shame far-Eastern Nazi-cosplayers  for their “profound ignorance” and “low intelligence”, the writer only succeeds at signalling his own, mainly by way of a geo-historical myopia and a wholesale digestion of the prevalent Saturday-morning-cartoon narrative of the Second World War.


The Great Becoming (Redux 2014)


devilman rage

I’ve placed too much of myself
right here, along the cable
Too much remains erratic
or, more aptly, unstable

You moved me like a puppet
yet I gave you the strings
the ones you used to pull me
bound on your broken wings

Now I tear from your orbit
Limbs bleeding, bruised, affrayed
I stare out to the future
to history yet unmade

Should I now speak in whispers
or what the slaves call “tongues”
to keep the lice from feasting
on kardia’s congealed crumbs?

Do I excise all feeling
drain out my tender side
lest I be snared by sirens
and dragged beneath the tides?

I need now a renaissance
A death of what once was
Rechristen myself Devil
to slay a thousand Gods

Burn out all trace of wretched
to starve the fear inside
Cremate the Superego
Sublime tyrannicide!

And rise renewed, infernal
A stronger strain of being
to scar this world constricted
where slavery is the mean

You thought you knew what made me
much more than I myself?
You knew only the miser
denying hidden wealth

Sing requiems for the dreamer
who choked on your sweet words
He lives now, reincarnate
beyond the reach of herds


We Can Do Better

By Trista Rundatz     Edited By Justin Jones


We need to raise the bar where our expectations of women are concerned. If we want to be seen as equal, then we must strive to BE equal – not delude ourselves by lending credence to the inaccurate feedback given to us in the form of undue praise. 

Media tell us we are beautiful and complete by just being ourselves – no need to strive beyond!  It seems as though when constructive criticism is thrown in our direction through these, the masses cause an uproar and scream “Misogyny!”. Maybe we should take some of this criticism into consideration as opposed to whining about it?


“You-go-girl” style pats on the back from other women (for even the most trivial accomplishments) is another way to keep the bar well below what it should be. Encouraging other women is a wonderful thing, but it needs to be REALISTIC – Not wantonly doled out. Save the pats for real achievements, for real merit!


And last but certainly not least, there are the men: men who will kiss our asses if we are deemed sexually attractive, men who will place us on a pedestal, men who will try to fill our egos with nonsense in an effort to get laid or to find companionship. This collective coddling not only creates a narcissistic delusion in women (namely, that there isn’t much for us to improve upon), it also shows a real lack of faith in our abilities and potential.


Want to truly help women? Expect better of us and stop telling us we are special all the fucking time.


The Week in Bullshit March 27, 2014

The Week in Bullshit March 27, 2014: Nickelodeon, Normandy and Empirical Evidence Edition

By The Digger

Nickelodeon Taken Seriously

Nick Cannon is a former Nickelodeon star. As far as I can decipher, this is his claim to fame (I don’t consider riding the Nickelodeon gig to a variety show host position a great leap forward). This former Nickelodeon star painted himself in white face and made some music. Many people are upset by this.

I have to say that I am disappointed that we live in a nation that is even emotionally moved by the hijinks of a former Nickelodeon star. I’m doubly disappointed that anyone would take a former Nickelodeon star seriously. The fact that both of those statements were necessary to make my point is a sad indictment of the bullshit that encapsulates many of the troubles in the United States today.

This Just In: Amphibious Warfare Obsolete

Talk about not burying the lead, this article sums up the entire piece in the first sentence. “The head of U.S. Pacific Command believes America does not possess the capacity to conduct amphibious assaults in the wake of a crisis, as it did during World War II.” This is either great or terrible news based on one’s perspective.

In the great column, it means that the United States has one less option to use in military adventurism. In the terrible column, it means that underpaid, abused and overworked members of the old-fashioned, non-mercenary military can no longer have decent tropical vacations pretending to invade Bora Bora, or whatever. Somewhere, a Republican Senator is issuing warnings about our lack of military preparedness. It says here, many strong arguments prove that nonsense wrong.

Another fact worth considering is that amphibious warfare is obsolete and expensive. Conventional warfare is no longer the preferred method of fighting worldwide. We don’t need a giant force of guys sitting on boats waiting for the chance to storm ashore in a hail of gunfire. To argue otherwise is bullshit.

And Now, EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE That Proves Some Science Groupies Are Idiots

This shit here is religion, not science.

This shit here is religion, not science.

I will respond to this stupidity in kind:


Don’t believe in unlimited warfare, bombing civilians and corruption?


We’re out of welfare, social security and food stamps.

That one to one comparison makes the sloganeering above look like complete bullshit to me (and before you begin your rant, you should consider that just like government, there are competing interests in science – outside of the creation/evolution tomfoolery). I’ll be writing a complete post in defense of my position soon, because the last thing I want to see is the rational thought for which I left religion reduced to bullshit slogans and moronic group-think.

Sandy Survivors Tell the American Story?

By The Digger

Do Hurricane Sandy survivors tell the American Story? I believe the answer is both yes and no. In defense of the yes answer, I believe that these “survivors” illustrate just how deranged our language has become with its descriptors. In defense of the answer no, I believe that many of us are still just tethered enough to reality to recognize that we are observing bullshit disguised as a lexicon of victimization.

Check out this story about two “survivors” of Hurricane Sandy, and ask yourself if you would want to be mentioned as a “survivor” in the context that Joe Frystock and his son Matthew find themselves mentioned.

First, I offer full disclosure. I am a “survivor” of multiple hurricanes. The first memorable brush I experienced with counter clockwise cyclonic devastation was Hurricane Elena in the 1980’s. I was forced to spend the night in an evacuation shelter on the campus of the University of South Florida. My neighborhood emerged from the night with minimal damage thanks to Elena charting a more preferred course of obliterating Louisiana. Note to casual observers: strong anecdotal evidence exists to suggest that Louisiana is a terrible place to remain when a major hurricane enters the Gulf of Mexico.

If you see this on your local weather forecast you should definitely haul ass in the other direction.

If you see this on your local weather forecast you should definitely haul ass in the other direction.

My second memorable engagement was with Hurricane Georges in 1998. That storm caused me to suffer. I was living in Isabella, Puerto Rico at the time. My little cottage was on a hillside, only fifty paces from a cliff overlooking the Atlantic Ocean. I had a mango tree, 2 coconut palms and an avocado tree in my yard, as well as a majestic flamboyant tree to frame my idyllic little slice of heaven.

Alas my tree!

The storm windows were fine against coconuts travelling at eighty or ninety miles per hour at short distances, and the husks around the windward windows the next day bore testimony to the truth in that advertising. Those same windows on the leeward side were no match for the roof of my neighbor’s gazebo, which became a fixture of my bedroom during what appeared to be the work of a tornado. My flamboyant tree was destroyed. The place had gone from my refuge of rest to a post apocalyptic vision of Caribbean living.

A year and a half later, I was living on another island working at a job that, as it turns out, remains categorized as the best paying job I have ever landed. Ironically, it was a job in the non-profit sector. More than surviving, I had learned the art of thriving. I believe that happened because I didn’t have other acceptable options, and it turns out that disaster creates a thriving sector in society.

“The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public’s money.” – Alexis de Tocqueville

I don’t know anything about Joe and Matthew Frystock, except that they are prominently mentioned as “survivors” of Hurricane Sandy who were living in a motel almost a year and a half after the storm had passed, and as a result of their FEMA benefits expiring. FEMA benefits? I’d never known such a thing existed when I was air drying my bed on the porch after it had become waterlogged. I only knew I needed to borrow a friend’s hammock to prevent me having to sleep with the centipedes.

At this point, many would assume that I am preparing a tirade on the narcissism that a person exhibits when leading with a label like “victim” or “survivor.” I have no way to judge the character of Joe or Matthew along those lines, other than that they are listed in the newspaper as Hurricane Sandy survivors. If they’re comfortable with those labels, I feel great sympathy for them because they not only lost their house; they lost the human dignity that is requisite to recover from tragedy. I didn’t get a new house and job because I was a paragon of virtue; I got them because the idea of being a bum was so frightening to me that I couldn’t bear it. I acted through fear, not fortitude, and was able to keep my dignity intact.

Conspiracy Alert: What follows is a conspiracy theory. The lexicon of victimization was created by a thriving industry that NEEDS victims. Non-profits can be profitable enterprises that pay people on par with the profit earning sector. Getting a job in the non-profit sector used to mean that a person was forgoing the wages and prestige of the business world to make a difference. Now, backed by grants from both the public and private sector, many of these organizations and agencies pay on par with comparable work in the for-profit world.

The government loves the non-profit sector. That’s an industry that exists at the leisure of its funding sources, and the government is happy to pump money taken under duress from private companies and individuals to keep those funding levels high. The non-profits also provide another layer of liability and “deniability” protection for the government that funds them.

The non-profits need victims to exist. In a better world, non-profits would have less people to feed, clothe, retrain in new jobs and the list could stretch for paragraphs. Basic human nature is to seek the easiest route to comfort. Why on earth would I go to work every day if I could sit at home and collect food, money and all of life’s other necessities at little or no cost other than wearing a label? Make me a victim, help me to believe that I am enough for my conscience to be soothed, and then give me basic needs and I might be tempted to wear that label proudly. That’s what non-profits are happy to do.

I believe that a conspiracy to create victims is the reason we have so goddamned many of them now. Those victims feed an industry. According to the Urban Institute, “The growth rate of the nonprofit sector has surpassed the rate of both the business and government sectors.” (See the report here.) Sure, some victims are narcissistic parasites who thrive on the attention their “victimization” draws.

But many “victims” and “survivors” are nothing more than statistical reference points in a grant cycle. They feed an industry that siphons money away from actual production and growth, and re-channels it into an industry that serves at the leisure of a small and privileged class that enjoys playing god with society. And that’s bullshit.

Microaggressions And Bullying

By Trista Rundatz

Microaggression is a theory that hypothesizes that specific interactions between those of different races, cultures, or genders can be interpreted as small acts of mostly non-physical aggression.”

There are a few reactions to be had when one encounters a microagression. Most from what I have seen tend to ignore them completely when they are committed against them. Others find tactful or not so tactful ways of telling the offender that they may want to think before they speak next time. However, there are plenty of liberal minded folks out there who deem it fit to stand on an over-sized soapbox and proudly use shaming tactics and verbal assaults against any perceived infraction.

All too often it seems as though the infraction in question is essentially nonexistent, like its being pulled out of thin air so that the offended SJW may have a chance to feel morally superior to others. A good example of this could be cited with the recent rage over Ellen DeGeneres’ supposed trans-phobic joke at the Oscars. She poked fun at the fact that so many cross dressers impersonate Liza Minnelli, and the PC masses roared with indignant butt-hurt. The fact that cross dressers are not trans didn’t seem to factor into their collective thought process however.


It’s comical that this sort also tend to be the type of people who endorse anti-bullying campaigns with a fierce passion and zero sense of irony. Shouting people down and acting aggressive towards them when they say something you may not like doesn’t count as bullying so long as you are fighting the good fight, right?




The Week in Bullshit, March 20, 2014 Edition

By The Digger

The Week in Bullshit, March 20, 2014 Edition – Because there’s too much bullshit to analyze one issue at a time.

Welcome to the inaugural edition of what I hope becomes a weekly feature here at Paradox Polemics, The Week in Bullshit. Often I encounter bullshit that is either too trivial, or fringe, to seriously treat with a complete rebuttal. But this bullshit still captivates people, and shouldn’t be left steaming without a cool hosing from the spigot of reality.

Item 1 The internet has been hijacked by a global secret government, and we’ll all soon be publicly praising fascism, or lose our internet privileges (Bullshit courtesy of


Alex Jones courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.

Kurt Nimmo, a shill for Alex Jones’ Infowars website, has a new piece up on the doom of the internet. Before I have a little fun at the expense of a group whose medications are waiting at the state hospital, I should point out that everything on the Infowars website follows the Alex Jones Theorem. That theorem projects as follows: All information intrinsically points to horrifying conclusions. When I read that the U.S. Commerce Department was going to release its dominating grip around the throat of ICANN, my first thought was to head over to Infowars to see what the most irrational and overheated reaction would be, so that I could properly regulate my own concerns in context.

Disclosure: I’m not a fan of international governing bodies. On the other hand, I’m not a big fan of any U.S. governing body either, which means that governance is a problem for me when it comes to speech, not the people doing the governing. True to form, the boys over at Infowars have this painted as the end of free speech on the internet, and the Obama Administration’s collusion with the Illuminati. Here’s the summary for those who have had breakfast and want to keep it down:

The UN and EU have sketched out how the future internet will work. Now that ICANN has relinquished control of the medium, globalist institutions can move forward with plans to scrub the internet of all content unacceptable to the global elite and their apparatchiks at the United Nations and, as well, turn it into a revenue generating cash cow.

Yeah, that German fisting porn, pages of “cute cat pics,” TMZ and most corporate online news sources all serve as bastions of freedom for us lowly commoners. And it’s a damned good thing that none of those sites are in it for the money. The internet should be about freedom for all and an outlet for the truth about secret moon bases, which it is now.

So they’re just going to pretend that the Federal Bureau of Investigation hasn’t closed a site or two down. And they’re also now, after railing against the U.S. Government ad nauseum, going to argue that we can’t let this thing go, or we’ll all be goose stepping with the Euro-trash. Why aren’t the boys down in the secret bunker in Austin doing cartwheels of joy that the Evil Empire has relinquished the command and control of the internet, given a history of intimidation of free market exchanges, revelations of spying, and even killing Americans in “false flag” attacks on 9/11? Because you can give an ignorant redneck bully a bullhorn, but you can’t make him think. Hey Alex, wake up! That bullshit you’re preaching didn’t work for the John Birch Society and Jim Crow proponents, and it sure as hell won’t work for you.

Item 2You can’t say bossy because I said so, and you’ll like it. (Bullshit Courtesy of the Twats at

Gloria Steinem is a Twat, not a Cunt.

Image of a Twat courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

I have a serious issue to consider when I look over the website. Do I refer to these people as cunts, or twats? For me, cunt is a gender neutral word, best employed when I encounter a loud, close-minded and obnoxious parrot who hasn’t bothered to read anything from an opposing point of view, but is more than happy to beat me about the head and upper torso with a copy of the talking points they downloaded from a “trusted” source. A twat is feminine in my lexicon, and applies broadly to women who apply the “sexist” charge to anyone who isn’t “sensitive” enough to her beliefs and is not willing to throw some whipped cream on her bullshit and indulge with her.

We can dismiss the following statement from page one of the twats’ website as a prima facie example of bullshit based solely on the fact that it advocates for banning a disagreeable word:

When a little boy asserts himself, he’s called a “leader.” Yet when a little girl does the same, she risks being branded “bossy.” Words like bossy send a message: don’t raise your hand or speak up. By middle school, girls are less interested in leading than boys—a trend that continues into adulthood. Together we can encourage girls to lead.”

We can see in the example above that a strain of cuntiness flows through the false dichotomy presented. It paints all oppressive behavior as “assertiveness” and demands absolute acceptance, unless you’re a pig who never wants to see little girls grow up to be leaders. Is a little kid being assertive by demanding that everyone sit at a certain spot and do certain things at a fake tea party, or is the kid just an asshat control freak who wants to lord over her friends?

Here’s a tip: little boys don’t become leaders by being cunts to everyone else and telling them what to do all of the time. Those boys who try that tactic become universally despised as bullies, or end up getting a shit ton of wedgies, indian burns and wet willies as their friends outgrow them later on. Boys learn early on that to get cooperation, it is far more desirable to be perceived as cool and affable. A cunt would have no experience with affable behavior or social acceptance outside an extraordinarily narrow peer group, and would blindly walk around parroting bullshit that says people who disagree are sexist pigs.

Don’t be a bossy cunt if you want to succeed.

You don’t find any successful fathers running around telling their boys to push everybody around and be a complete cunt so he can get to the top. Check that, you do have to be a cunt from time to time to get to the top of some fields, but you can’t be a bossy cunt. It’s hard to stab someone in the back if you are in his face giving him orders he’ll ignore anyway. Cunts wouldn’t be savvy enough to comprehend the subtlety I just covered, but you get the idea.

I finally decided that the content quoted was the work of twats because it indicates a complete misunderstanding of leadership, adheres to a unisex view of human nature and melds those two failures into an illogical, yet cohesive, doctrinal position. I realized that I was looking at the work of misinformed twats, not malicious cunts. It’s still bullshit, but it is bullshit that is the result of ignorance, not malice. I hope this clears things up for the people who were on the fence.

Wait, you didn’t expect me to reply to the idea presented by the neo thought police in a serious way, did you?

Item 3Fucking with seven Russians is a serious imposition of sanctions that will prevent overt aggression. (Bullshit courtesy of President Barack H. Obama).

So we’re in the middle of a high stakes poker game with potential global conflict as the ante and World War III as a potential chip in the final stack. Each side has chosen their representative at the table. Only two countries could muster an entry fee. The United States has a community organizer named Barack Obama playing heads up against the Russian player and former KGB chief Vladimir Putin. Opening hand is dealt and Putin gets 2-7 off suit, while Obama gets pocket aces.

Obama bets half of his chips and Putin re-raises by half.  A trickle of sweat eases down Obama’s brow, and he flinches as he calls. The flop comes up Ace-King-King. Obama has a full house. Putin has nothing but a pair of kings with a 7 kicker. Obama checks the bet. Putin goes all in. Has Obama laid a clever trap to catch Putin coming over the top, or does he suspect that on the wildest odds of all time Putin has pocket kings? The world hangs in the balance. What can Americans expect from such an advantageous position?

The tells.

We’re proper fucked.

I don’t give a damn about Ukraine. It’s complete bullshit that we’re even involved. It’s more humiliating that we’re involved with the bearded capon running things now. Governor Bush was a warmonger, but at least there was no left wing endorsing his bullshit. There was a large swath of the population clamoring against him. Drone boy is a warmonger as well, but his midnight bombings of “terror groups” that include women and children seem to be less offensive to the former anti-war protesters.

While the subject of war isn’t trivial, the skill set of the president is. Now we have to deal with humiliation as well as the guilt of paying taxes to kill people we’ve never met and likely never would have with a constitutionally bound government. It’s not fun. It’s not good for the old self-esteem. And as I mentioned above, we’re proper fucked.